
Earth Science | Atmosphere | Precipitation | Rain

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    The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology - Australian Gridded Datasets (BOM - Ausgrid) for the period from Jan 1961 until Dec 2000. The Ausgrid datasets are created by taking observational data from approximately 821 stations positioned across Australia and interpolating this to form a gridded dataset of the required variable for the required resolution. The CSIRO Archive contains the daily atmospheric variable Rainfall at .05° x .05° resolution for the region of South Eastern Queensland in Australia. The original Bureau of Meteorology Rainfall daily files for the whole Australia region have been processed to include only data for the South East Queensland region and have been concatenated into two forms. Single contiguous annual files (~14.8 MB), with 40 files totaling approximately 591 MB, and also as a single file (~591 MB also) for the whole period 1961-2000, in netcdf format.

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    The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM) - Australian Daily Observed Rainfall datasets for the period from Jan 1910 until Aug 2005. The CSIRO archive contains the daily atmospheric variable Rainfall observational data from the 181 weather monitoring stations positioned across Australia. It is often refered to as High Quality data as it is not interpolated/reanalysed or gridded. There are 181 files with each having one stations data for the entire time period in ASCII format(approximately 1 MB) with the filename being the station ID. All stations files have been tarred into a single file for storage(approximately 160MB). There is also a reduced subset of this data available spanning the years from 1960-2000 available, 1 tarred file (containing 181 files) approximately 67 MB.

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    The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology - Australian Gridded Datasets (BOM - Ausgrid) for the period from Jan 1960 until Dec 2000. The Ausgrid datasets are created by taking observational data from approximately 821 stations positioned across Australia and interpolating this to form a gridded dataset of the required variable for the required resolution. The CSIRO Archive contains the daily atmospheric variable Rainfall at .05° x .05° resolution for the region of Australia. Original zipped daily files have been concatenated into a single contiguous annual file (~800MB) in netcdf format, with 41 files totaling approximately 31.9 GB for the period 1960-2000.

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    The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology - Australian Gridded Datasets (BOM - Ausgrid) for the period from Jan 2004 until the current day. The Ausgrid datasets are created by taking observational data from multiple stations positioned across Australia (821 Rainfall and 728 Temperature stations) and interpolating this to form a gridded dataset of the required variable for the required resolution. The CSIRO Archive contains the daily atmospheric variables Rainfall, Tmax and Tmin at .25° x .25° resolution for the region of Australia. Data has been stored in daily zipped files (ASCII format) with the following file naming convention [ausgridYYMMDD (YY=year, MM=month, DD=day)],with 365 files totaling approximately 15.90 MB per variable per year. This archive is updated on a daily basis.

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    Daily rainfall data was collect by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). This dataset contains data collected from 1950 to 2009. The stations that are represented in this data set are Carnarvon Airport, Exmouth Gulf, Gnaraloo, Learmonth Airport, Ningaloo, Quobba, Vlaming Head and Warroora. This data was downloaded from the Bureau of Meteorology's Climate Data Online website as separate csv files for each year, they were then collated into one MS Excel spreadsheet per station. A text file containing notes on the data was also downloaded at the same time. This data was obtained for the Ningaloo Project.

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    The Climate Prediction Centers (CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) dataset uses a technique which produces pentad and monthly analysis of global precipitation in which observations from raingauges are merged with precipitation estimates from several satellite-based algorithms (infrared and microwave). The CSIRO version of this dataset is a concatenation of the individual monthly data files into a single contiguous netcdf file for the two sepearate time periods of 1979-2006 and 1980-1999 with a spatial resolution of 2.5° x 2.5°. The 1980-1999 version of the dataset has also been processed to include calculated Climatology and Seasonal forms of this dataset. There are approximately 4 files totaling 27.1 MB.

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    The CSIRO versions of the BOM (Bureau of Meteorology Australia) Australian Rainfall & Murray Darling Basin Inflow datasets are a concatenation of the individual monthly Rainfall & MDB Inflow data files into a single contiguous netcdf file for the time period 1900-2007 with a spatial resolution of .25° x .25°. These are available for the whole of Australia and also as subsets for the three regional areas of Murray Darling Basin, South East Queensland & Victoria (MDB, SEQ, VIC). The monthly Rainfall data has also been processed to include calculated Anomaly, Climatology and Seasonal forms of this dataset. There are approximately 13 files for Rainfall data totalling 424.9 MB and a single file for monthly MDB Inflow totalling 37 KB. An additional .xls file of "modelled data" was provided to the data centre in October 2014. All the data housed by CSIRO is for internal use only. Data access links via the BOM and MDBA are provided below.

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    The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology - Australian Gridded Intensity, Frequency, Duration Datasets (BOM - IFD) for a 100 year return interval. IFD datasets contain rainfall statistics, with the CSIRO Archive having data for 2, 24 & 72 hour periods at .05° resolution for the South East Australia region covering New South Wales and Victoria. IFD datasets are commonly used in Climate change studies, for design and risk assessment of dams and bridges, design of roof and stormwater drainage systems, flood plain management, soil conservation studies and to express the "severity" of a single rainfall event (in terms of its rarity). The process of estimating IFDs, known as frequency analysis, is an important part of hydrological design procedures. An analysis of rainfall data from a single station is often unreliable; not temporally or spatially consistent; and should generally not be used for design purposes. Instead a set of accurate, consistent IFD data was derived for the whole of Australia by the Bureau of Meteorology as part of the revision of Australian Rainfall and Runoff with the Institute of Engineers Australia(1987). INTENSITY is the rainfall rate (in mm per hour), FREQUENCY is how often a type of rainfall event will occur and DURATION is the period of time over which the rain is measured. There are 3 files covering the 2, 24, 72 hr periods (each ~1.03MB) in Ascii Arcg format totaling approximately 3.11 MB.

  • This water quality time-series dataset was collected between late August 2017 and Mid March 2018 as the primary deliverable of a the Gold Coast Triathlon Monitoring Project between Gold Coast City Council and CSIRO. Data was collected by a suite of instruments deployed onto a CSIRO-owned buoy that was moored in the Broadwater lagoon in the planned location of the Triathlon event of the 2008 Commonwealth Games. The instrument output was sampled at 10 minute intervals by a Campbell Scientific data logger and stored in logger memory. CSIRO Coastal Monitoring sensor-data service polled the logger at regular intervals to fetch the latest data for visualisation and analysis. This dataset consists of the raw data accumulated by the CSIRO Coastal Monitoring sensor data service. It is raw data, and has not been cleaned of any glitches or adjusted to allow for calibration changes. This dataset contains time series data from the following instruments: ====================================================== EXO Sonde built-in data sources: ------------------------------------------ 1.a EXO_BatV => Battery voltage for the EXO Sonde power source. 1.b EXO_Depthm => Water depth in metres (m) Measured using a differential strain gauge transducer measures pressure with one side of the transducer exposed to the water and the other side exposed to a vacuum. Initially calibrated in Atmosphere: output can be affected by local barometric pressure, water density and temperature. EXO Wiped Conductivity and Temperature Sensor: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ref: 2.a EXO_TempC => Water Temperature in degrees celsius. Direct measurement using a thermistor-type sensor. 2.b EXO_SpCondmScm => Specific Conductance in milli-siemens per centimetre (ms/cm). Measured via a 4-electrode nickel-cell sensor, using a calibrated cell constance to convert absolute conductance to specific. Compensated to a 25 degree reference temperature. 2.c EXO_Salpsu => Salinity in Practical Salinity Units (PSU) Calculated from the conductivity and temperature readings according to algorithms found in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (ed. 1989) PSU measurements are in reference to the conductivity of standard seawater at 15 °C. EXO Turbidity Smart Sensor ----------------------------------- Ref: 3.a EXO_TurbFNU => Turbidity in formazin nephelometric units (FNU) Measured by detection of scattering at 80 degrees of a near-infrared light source. 3.b EXO_TurbNTU => Turbitidy in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) Calculated from the Turbidity FNU via a calibrated conversion factor. 3.c EXO_TSSmgL => Total Suspended Solids in milligrams per Litre (mg/L) Calculated from the Turbidity FNU value via a calibrated conversion factor. EXO pH and OPR Smart Sensor ---------------------------------------- Ref: 4.a EXO_pHmV => Potential difference (in mV) across the pH sensor electrode. Measured using a glass combination electrode with a stable solution of known pH on the inside and the sample being measured on the outside. 4.b EXO_pH => pH in standard pH Units where 7.0 is neutral; < 7 is acidic; > 7 is alkaline. Calculated from the pHmV measurement. 4.c EXO_ORPmV => Oxidising-Reducing Potential of the water sample in millivolts (mV) Measured using a platinum button electrode. Detects high concentrations of redox-active species including metal salts, chlorine, sulfite ions etc. Refects all dissolved species in the medium: requires site-specific information to determine which are present. EXO Optical Dissolved Oxygen Smart Sensor --------------------------------------------------------- Ref: 5.a EXO_DOmgL => Dissolved Oxygen in milligrams per Litre Measured using an optical luminescence sensor 5.b EXO_DOPerSat => Dissolved Oxygen as % saturation. Calculated from the raw DO measurement, corrected for temperature and local barometric pressure at the time of callibration. ( local mmHg / 760 mmHg ) x 100 = %Sat EXO Total Algae PE Smart Sensor ------------------------------------------- Ref: Note: The Algal sensors have NOT been completely calibrated to local conditions. This data may be used as an estimate of comparative concentrations, but should not be relied on as a numerical value for testing against a threshold. 6.a EXO_ChlRFU => Chlorophyll concentration in Relative Fluorescence Units (RFU) Measured using an optical fluorescence sensor with a blue excitation beam that excites the chlorophyll molecure present in all photosynthetic cells. Calibrated relative to a stable secondary standard, such as Rhodamine WT dye. 6.b EXO_ChlugL => Chlorophyll concentration in micro-grams per Litre (µg/L) Calculated estimate of chlorophyll pigment concentration. Not correlated to local conditions: use for comparison purposes only. 6.c EXO_BGAPERFU => Phycoetherin Concentration in Relative Fluorescence Units Measured using an optical fluorescence sensor with an orange excitation beam that excites the phycoetherin accessory pigment found in saltwater blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Calibrated relative to a stable secondary standard, such as Rhodamine WT dye. 6.d EXO_BGAPEugL => Phycoetherin Concentration in micro-grams per Litre (µg/L) Calculated estimate of phycoetherin pigment concentration. Not correlated to local conditions: use for comparison purposes only. EXO fDOM Sensor ----------------------- Ref: 7.a EXO_fDOMRFU => Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter concentration in Relative Fluorescence Units (RFU) Measured using an optical fluorescence sensor which detects fluorescence associated with dissolved organic matter exposed to near-ultraviolet light. Measurement is relative to the fluorescence of quinine sulfate, which, in acid solution, fluoresces similarly to dissolved organic matter 7.b EXO_fDOMQSU => Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter concentration in Quinine Sulfate Units (1 QSU => 1 part-per-billion Qunine Sulfate) Calculated from the EXO_fDOMRFU Measurement Flow / Current Meter -------------------------- Data values are the average value over the previous sample interval, unless indicated otherwise. 8.a ABSSpd_Avg => Absolute current speed in meters per second (m/s) 8.b NorthCur_Avg => Northward current velocity in meters per second (m/s) 8.c EastCur_Avg => Eastward current velocity in meters per second (m/s) 8.d Heading_Avg => Current meter heading in compass degrees 8.e Direction_Avg => Current direction in compass degrees 8.f AbsTilt_Avg => Absolute tilt in degrees from the horizontal 8.g TiltX_Avg => Tilt in the X-plane (across the current) in degrees from the horizontal 8.h TiltY_Avg => Tilt in the Y-plane (aligned with current) in degrees from the horizontal 8.i MaxTilt_Avg => Maximum absolute tilt during the sample interval, in degrees from the horizontal 8.j StdTilt_Avg => Standard deviation of absolute tilt during the sample interval, in degrees from the horizontal 8.k SPstd_Avg 8.l SigStrength_Avg 8.m PingCnt_Avg GillMX10 Weather Station -------------------------------- 9.a Gill_Ws_Mean => Mean wind speed during the previous sample interval, in meters per second (m/s) 9.b Gill_Wd_MeanUnitVector => Mean wind direction during the previous sample interval, in compass degrees 9.c Gill_Wd_StdDev => Standard deviation of wind direction during the previous sample interval, in compass degrees 9.d Gill_WindSpd_Max => Maximum wind speed during the previous sample interval, in meters per second (m/s) 9.e Gill_Temperature_Avg => Average air temperature during the previous sample interval, in degrees Celcius 9.f Gill_RH => Relative Humidity at the sample time, in % 9.g Gill_Pressure => Atmospheric pressure at the sample time, in hecto-pascals (hPa) 9.h Gill_Rain_mm_Tot => Cumulative rainfall during the previous sample interval (mm) 9.i Gill_TotalRain_mm => Cumulative rainfall in millimetres (mm) for the 24 hours to 10 AM AEST ( => 9AM AEDT to match the BOM cutoff) 9.j Gill_TotalDailyRain_mm => Cumulative rainfall in millimetres (mm) for the 24 hours to midnight AEST 9.k Gill_DewPoint_Avg => Average dewpoint during the previous sample interval, in degrees Celcius 9.l Gill_SRad_Avg => Average solar radiance during the previous sample interval watts per square meter 9.m Gill_SunHours_Avg => Average hours of sunlight during the previous sample interval in hours 9.n Gill_Latitude => Latitude of the weather station, in decimal degrees 9.o Gill_Longitude => Longitude of the weather station, in decimal degrees 9.p Gill_Time => ISO Day of the month The following known events may have caused shifts in sensor calibration: ========================================================== Note: The CWQM buoy was used as an anchor for the SAFA instrument that was involved in collecting microbial monitoring data for a seperate deliverable of this project. Retrieving and deploying the SAFA instrument required the CWQM buoy to be tilted, which may have briefly disrupted the CWQM Sensors. CWQM Instruments were checked and cleaned during the SAFA collection trips. All times are AEST (+10:00) 2017-08-03 15:00 => Initial deployment of CWQM buoy and instruments: lon=153.4139, lat=-27.9573 2017-10-05 08:20 => Recalibration & restart 2017-10-12 22:10 => Power interruption (reason unknown) 2017-11-02 12:10 => SAFA instrument removal 2017-11-29 07:50 => SAFA instrument redeployed 2017-12-01 12:00 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2017-12-11 15:30 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2017-12-15 19:53 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2017-12-21 13:10 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2018-01-02 16:40 => GillMX10 Weather Station Damaged (suspected lightening or hail strike) 2018-01-03 11:00 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed, instrument removed 2018-01-08 07:30 => SAFA instrument redeployed 2018-01-10 07:50 => SAFA samples collected, instrument removed. 2018-01-10 08:45 => GillMX10 Weather station replaced 2018-02-01 10:30 => Cleaning and Calibration 2018-02-23 08:30 => Relocate to Coast Guard Pontoon for Luke Harrop Memorial Triathlon: lon=153.4101,lat=-27.9557 2018-02-25 16:30 => Relocate back in position: lon=153.4139, lat=-27.9573 2018-03-14 09:00 => CWQM Buoy Removed

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    On the FRV Southern Surveyor cruise SS3/90, 108 stations throughout the Gulf of Carpentaria were sampled for sea temperature, salinity, water depth, and sediment grain size. Data was also collected from the 1989-1990 "Jacqueline D" cruises and from commercial trawlers. Relevant rainfall, wind and temperature data were obtained from the Meteorological Bureau.